Travel Photo| Capturing the Tokyo Skyline

Tokyo Skyline from Odaiba Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo lights: Night descends on Tokyo, Japan
Across from Tokyo proper is Odaiba, a man made island and the perfect place to watch the city glow in the late evening light. There’s a direct train line to get there and from the Fuji TV building you get the best view of the city. I watched evening fall as the party boats cruised the perfectly calm waters of the Tokyo Port before I snapped this picture.
You might find it odd that there’s a replica of the Eiffel tower in the centre of this picture. Although inspired the the infamous Eiffel tower of Paris, the Tokyo Tower is designed for communication and observation tower. It’s actually the second tallest building in Tokyo and tourists can visit the observation decks. Although, I’d probably just head to Tokyo’s Park Hyatt for a drink instead (It’ll cost the same and the Hyatt is baller).
If you’re going on a date my favourite spot in the city is just in front of those boats (near the bottom of the photo). There’s a small beach there where you can get popcorn and beer. It has a nice little board walk, and is a great place to spend some time getting to know someone as you watch the city.
Happy Travels,