Travel Photo| Philippine escape Lugnason Falls Siquijor

Skipping school for this? Lugnason Falls – Siquijor, Philippines
Skipping School in the Philippines:
No smoking pit, mall, or fast food restaurant for this kid to hang out at when skipping school. On the tiny South Asian island of Siquijor, Philippines school isn’t a priority for every child just like in North America. While exploring the island of Siquijor in the Philippines my friends and I found the strikingly beautiful Lugnason Falls, and couldn’t resist taking a swim.
I mean, it’d be hard to go to school when a waterfall like this is in your neighbourhood but I think the education issues go deeper than missing class for an afternoon swim. Regardless, I managed to snap a few pictures of this magical spot before swinging myself…Oh, and jumping off the water fall 😀
Happy Travels!