
Himalayan Mountaineering Institute Basic Course : Phase 1 – Theory and Equipment

Theory – Daily lessons and movies Usually there are between two and four lessons a day. In the beginning of phase 1 lessons dominate the curriculum however, as the week progresses…

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute Basic Course Phase 1: physical training and mountaineering skills

Phase 1 is designed to prepare students for base camp in the Himalayan mountain range of West Siikim.  During phase one students focus on physical training and mountaineering skills…

What to expext when you arrive at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Arrival for the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute’s basic mountaineering course was set at 2pm on March 1st. I travelled through Darjeeling asking locals for directions and located…

Traveling to Darjeeling and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Join me as I embark on an adventure to Darjeeling, India to participate in the Himilayan Mountaineering Institutes basic course I arrived in Darjeeling late on a cold February night.…

Mountaineering in the Himalayas

Trekking in the Himalayas is an experience of a lifetime but I looked for a bigger challenge and decided to join the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in India for a mountaineering…