
Angkor Wat Tips| Help yourself tour Angkor Wat like a boss
Showing up at the 6:00 am sunrise at Angkor Wat was not exactly what I expected it to be. Being a Lara Croft fan myself, I was hoping to have to swing down from a jungle vine into…

How to buy a cellphone in Japan
With wifi and roaming plans it's easy to keep in contact with family members and friends these days, but what happens when you need a cellphone to stay connected with new friends…

Travel photography tips for incredible photos
Travelling with an SLR? This travel photography guide will guarantee you come home with the best travel pics.
In today’s digital age anyone can become an expert with a digital…

Is travel the answer to the 20-something crisis of existence
You did it! You did what every teacher and parent told you to do; you reached for the stars, followed your heart, and worked to achieve your dreams.
Perhaps you’re one of the…

How to plan a trip to Europe
It’s finally happening; you’re going on your dream trip to Europe! You’ve convinced your family that you’ll be fine, you saved up enough money (you think), your friends…