
Travel Photo| Horse riding in Mongolia
Like father like son:
The relationship between family and nature are deeply connected in Mongolia. Mongolia might be the last country with truly wild horses, the horse population…

Travel Photo| Mongolia power kick Mini Gobi Desert
Kicking a**, thats to say, “air” in Mongolia's Mini Gobi Desert
Who could resist a power kick among the sand dunes of the Mini Gobi Desert in Mongolia! You're probably imagining…

Travel Photo| Water the desert tree Mongolia
Life in the Mongolian Desert:
Sometimes you get lucky and that’s exactly what happened when I captured this image. While descending a large rock formation in the Mini Gobi desert…

Travel Photo| Mongolian Monks Karakorum, Mongolia
Mongolian Monks:
I captured this image of two young monks descending a set of stairs after playing a few notes on their conch shell in Karakhorum, Mongolia.
While touring the…

Photographing Mongolia's Mini Gobi Desert
Mini Gobi sand dunes:
There are few places in the world where the sheer size and beauty of the natural surrounding change your perspectives on how we live and our place in the world.…