
Travel Photo| Philippine escape Lugnason Falls Siquijor
Skipping School in the Philippines:
No smoking pit, mall, or fast food restaurant for this kid to hang out at when skipping school. On the tiny South Asian island of Siquijor,…

Travel Photo| Way of the sword Tokyo, Japan
Experiencing Japan's National Kendo Championship
Kendo is the modern day version of Samurai sword fighting and translated means, "way of the sword" . It's an extremely technical…

Travel Photo| Capturing the Tokyo Skyline
Tokyo lights: Night descends on Tokyo, Japan
Across from Tokyo proper is Odaiba, a man made island and the perfect place to watch the city glow in the late evening light. There's…

Travel Photo| Philippine island paradise Siquijor
Paradise: Siquijor, Philippines
I think this picture speaks for itself; paradise! Just imagine that I only paid .75 cents to sleep in a tent on this beach, which was well worth…

Travel Photo| Mongolia power kick Mini Gobi Desert
Kicking a**, thats to say, “air” in Mongolia's Mini Gobi Desert
Who could resist a power kick among the sand dunes of the Mini Gobi Desert in Mongolia! You're probably imagining…