
How to buy a cellphone in Japan
With wifi and roaming plans it's easy to keep in contact with family members and friends these days, but what happens when you need a cellphone to stay connected with new friends…

Travel Photo| Iconic Tokyo city landscape
Shinjuku Tokyo:
When I first started working overseas iPhones had just come out but were too expensive for a traveler budget, DSLR camera's were only used by professionals, and I…

Travel Photo| Way of the sword Tokyo, Japan
Experiencing Japan's National Kendo Championship
Kendo is the modern day version of Samurai sword fighting and translated means, "way of the sword" . It's an extremely technical…

Travel Photo| Capturing the Tokyo Skyline
Tokyo lights: Night descends on Tokyo, Japan
Across from Tokyo proper is Odaiba, a man made island and the perfect place to watch the city glow in the late evening light. There's…

Travel Photo| Top of the world Mt. Fuji, Japan
Mount Fuji Summit:
After several hours on a bus followed by a four hour climb to 3700 m I made it to the top of Mount Fuji. As Japans highest land formation, and an active volcano,…