
Travel Photo| Horse riding in Mongolia
Like father like son:
The relationship between family and nature are deeply connected in Mongolia. Mongolia might be the last country with truly wild horses, the horse population…

Travel photography tips for incredible photos
Travelling with an SLR? This travel photography guide will guarantee you come home with the best travel pics.
In today’s digital age anyone can become an expert with a digital…

Travel Photo| Mountaineering Indo-Nepal Border
HMI base camp:
Standing overlooking the Rathong pass at Chowrikiang, the location of the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute's base camp, one can't help but appreciate the vast…

Anna Everywhere: secrets to blogging, studying & traveling the world
More than just someone who travels around Anna Lysakowska shares her experiences combing traveling with work in order to progress her career development while experiencing what…

Ecuador's Amazon: life in the world's lungs
There’s no TV, cellphones, or internet in the Amazon; only satellite phones (if you’re near a lodge). Stores here are usually in the form of markets or a small room in a…