Life lessons learned visiting Barcelona with expat friends
There were a few reasons my sister and I decided to go to Barcelona to finish off our recent exploration of Europe’s greatest cities. One of them was to visit my good friend Chris…

5 steps to happiness by finding the traveler in you
Being a traveler is more than simply traveling and exploring new countries, it’s a mindset. It means that you aren’t afraid to step into the unknown, experience change, explore…

What it’s like to visit family in Italy
No matter where you’ve traveled, how many countries you’ve been to, or what you’ve done around the world, there’s one experience that impossible to have unless you’ve…

Working, teaching and traveling in Kenya and Switzerland
“Flight 801 to Nairobi please proceed to gate one. Flight 801 to Nairobi, gate one.” Hearing this after the three warning chimes, I’m up. It’s been a long flight from Toronto…

Escaping Ukranian jail with my first police bribe
Before arriving in Odessa, Ukraine I thought the whole Eastern European police bribe rumor a farce. Little did I know that if you’re in the wrong place at the right time you’d…